In Book 2, the Collective, the agency takes direct aim at the collective desiring to capture George Robert Thomas so they can control the distribution of his creative products and services to the world. The collective has grown significantly into a world class corporate think tank where all members are somehow interconnected and aware of each other’s thoughts. The collective develops their own Industrial Park providing a more nurturing environment for the development of new solutions to world problems. As a testimony to this, the collective delivers solutions to education, the Somali Prorates situation, the India Religious Conflict, delivery of Free Energy, Averting Space Threats, Robotic Servants, and the freeing of Down Syndrome Savants to become contributing members to the world. The agency sets up a network of operatives to fabricate falsehoods about the collective and their goodwill delivered to the world and then takes steps to undermine the collective delivered solutions. In direct defiance to governmental oversight, the agency attacks openly the collective and captures one of the top three management personnel and spirits him away to a safehouse on the other side of the world.
Will the collective be able to confront the agency on their own turf, free their member, and set into motion the steps to bring about the demonstration of something, something truly wonderful to the world?
Robert Lanphar