This collection of short stories grew out of an initial story I presented to the children in the Orange County Juvenile Hall as a Christmas story. I immediately rediscovered the great joy children have for the gift of storytelling. As a Scoutmaster for many years, I enjoyed setting up campfires which would have the Scouts remembering these experiences for a lifetime. Each campfire would purposefully stimulate as many of the senses as possible using props including for instance: Smores, the Talking Stick, improvised Instruments, Voices for the Various Actors, the Never Ending Story, Stories based on that Day’s Discoveries, and the Retirement of Old Glory. Most of my created stories had a strong moral component and always illustrated a point of the Scout Law: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. I am happy that I have rediscovered this joy and have been able to share these stories in Juvenile Hall as part of my Catholic Bible Study and Religious Education programs. The children age from fourteen to eighteen and spend the majority of their time locked up in their time locked up in their cells. All of the boys and girls that I and my wife minister to look forward to the stories and a few have even volunteered a drawing which has been included in this book.
I dedicate this collection to all of the Scouts who helped to encourage my story telling abilities and to my children in Juvenile Hall that await each week for the continuing sagas of the fifteen member, Family and their world famous Uncle Sage.
Robert L. Lanphar Jr.
16 August 2009