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Drum Circle
Within the darkness A drum resonates Dum. Dum. Dum. Pulse slows Body reverberates Day’s highs, downed.
Within the darkness A solitary bell calls Ting. Ting. Ting. Note, note, notes reinforced Day’s lows, raised.
Within the darkness My being now quieted Drum and bell Continence and acuteness Me, Group… Me, Group…
The circle ripples In shared meditation.
Robert Lanphar
4 December 1998
Gentle Nudge
A choice I may This day
To die to sin Die to life bond Die to secularity Die to volunteerism Die to family
To live in faith Live in prayer Live in grace
Draw me ever closer to that Nurturing comfort in the Shadow of Christ’s cross Releasing the chains That snare
Preparing me for that Moment of calling…
Robert Lanphar
30 June 2000
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