Part I: The Monologues
These were the talks which Joe apparently had to get off of his chest. They were bight stars from his life constellation. It became apparent to me that even the slightest bit of wandering needed to be held onto like a precious jewel to be placed carefully into a crown at a future time.
01: Church Piano
I wandered onto my old Catholic Church grounds on a Wednesday morning before mass at 8:00a.m. I was just walking about taking in the changes which had taken place. There was no longer the 90-foot steeple in front of the church which would advertise clearly across the empty fields and be a comfort. The large cross had been cut down. The very top was now in a small reflection garden next to the church. There was a plaque commemorating the steeple and the need to take it down because of earthquake concerns. I suppose with all of the residential developments there are fewer people working in the fields were the cross on the steeple would provide comfort. Strawberry fields and the oil fields still exist but I know they would be too far away to even care about a cross and even further with regards to attending church services.
Across the way next to the old convent was a stand of trees and some wooden park benches. This used to be a favorite hangout for me because of the safe location. A previous Pastor had come by one evening and said:
"The church is pleased to have you spend the night here in the Grove as long as you are gone in the morning before the children arrive for school. Oh, and make sure you leave the Grove in as pristine a condition as you found it. The children will sometimes come over here when it is too hot in their classrooms."
We were always gone at the first rays of the sun over the golf driving range. One time I did wake up late to the whacks of a driver club striking golf balls.
There was a maze on the patio complete with painted pictures of a galaxy, Jesus, and the world providing many things to think about while on your journey. They acted as waypoints for some form of childhood game. It occupied about ten minutes of my time as I danced through the maze and pictured the children singing songs all around me. The song on my heart seemed to call me naturally into the church. And there right by the entrance was a piano just asking to be played. The church had a sprinkling of early arrivals praying their rosaries or reflecting upon the readings for the day. I just knew that some music would be a great accompaniment to their activities and so I began to dabble with the keys. I did not know that the ‘G’ key on this electronic piano was not working. I was playing for a while when this big guy from the Knights of Columbus came up to me and asked me to stop making noise. I used to be a brother Knight in this Parish and I argued:
"I am not making noise I am making joyous music to help place everyone in the right frame of mind."
"There are many in prayer and meditation which are quite content to be surrounded with quiet."
"What are you going to do if I do not stop? You gonna hit me?"
He did not answer. A second man came up and in a kinder voice restated the same thing. I could now hear the priest getting ready in the Sacristy and so it was time to boogie. But at least I had a song on my heart.