When the Raven and the Hawk Switched Clothes
The Raven and the Hawk danced energetically in the dawning crisp chill. This same dance had been going on for thousands of years. The Hawk was named Spirit that Soars while the Raven was named Celebrated Council Wisdom. The dance involved pitch and rolls and dives and tumbles all in an effort to either protect their tail feathers from being taken or to position themselves for a valued snatch of a tail feather from their flight friend. Over the many years Hawk had collected ninety tail feathers from Raven and Raven had collected ninety-two tail feathers from Hawk. They need to collect a full count of ninety-five tail feathers in order to complete their formal headdress which will allow them entry into the Great Father’s House. Through the chilly Winter Raven collected his final three tail feathers while Hawk collected no more. Raven did not disappear and dwell in his own triumph over Hawk. Instead he pulled five tail feathers from his tail (of course) and secretly placed them in the nest of Hawk. The next day they greeted each other in the warming morning sun and agreed to meet seven days hence at the rising of the sun. They would both be wearing their full warrior headdresses and be prepared for the next life transition.
In one week they met and the new raiment was indeed spectacular as Hawk wore Raven and as Raven wore Hank. They both flew off into the rising sun and a voice said:
“You were blood bothers in life. You were comrades in death as you fought the good fight with mighty bear, protecting your village. You have been brothers in flight for the past millennia. You have learned the powerful message of sharing. Now take your honored places at our council fires where you will gain more wisdom to share with your tribe. You will hence be known as Hawk of Raven and Raven of Hawk. You will share the message of brotherhood with your people in their dreams. You will also let them know that they can see you in your full glory in the dawn of the summer solstice. Those who are able to see you will be blessed for the entire year. “
And just so they would seed messages in the dreams of the young braves and look forward to the young braves seeing them in their full raiment in the dawn of the summer solstice.
28 November 2015
Drink From the Iced Over Stream
Raven, The Hopi Indian Trickster, flew up to the stream to get a much needed drink of fresh water. When he arrived he noticed that the water had been freshly frozen over. The ice had formed a clear window allowing you to see all the way down to the stream bed. Now Raven being quite smart knew about many birds that had stuck their beaks through the ice only to get securely wedged and unable to remove their beaks and eventually died. Well Raven still wanted that drink and was willing to get someone else to crack the ice and make available a spot to drink from the stream.
Raven noticed a murder of Crows circling overhead. Raven called out...
"Which one of you is brave enough to fly down here by the side of this stream and see your long lost brother under the ice?"
Well sure enough a Crow flew down next to the Raven and next to the stream and said...
"Raven, I know that you are the Trickster but I did lose my brother Crow last month and your invitation was just too compelling."
"Crow, look for yourself as you walk up ever closer to the stream and you will see your brother under the ice and waiting for you to free him."
Crow looked all up and down Raven to try and sense if there was any magic in his words. Sensing none he moved smartly to the side of the stream and peered down. There was a reflection starring back and crow was excited to see his brother. Crow moved his left wing and so did his brother. He lifted his right foot and so did his brother. And as he touched his beak to the ice, so did his brother.
"Oh thank you Raven for you have shown me my lost brother."
Crow began to peck at the ice soon using more violent pecks until a large block of ice broke loose with Crow's beak firmly lodged in it. Crow staggered back from the stream with his head bowed down terribly from the weight of the ice. He could barely make out a few words.
"Raven, when the ice broke did you see my brother escape?"
"Wow, you did a masterful job of opening up a place in the ice for your brother to escape and he was so overjoyed that he shook off the water from his wings and flew straight up to join the other crows in the sky."
"But Raven, how am I to remove this block of ice from my beak?"
"Well you could wait until summer when all of the ice melts. But if I were in your predicament I would walk into the woods where the Great Oak Tree provides shelter to many animals and I would swing my head back and forth striking the block of ice against that strong tree. It will eventually break away freeing your beak."
And just so Crow walked off into the forest searching for the Great Oak Tree. Raven meanwhile made his way to the stream to take his much deserved drink of water.
21 December 2016
The Raven’s Lair
Achak, which means spirit runner, was making his way to his grandfather's tent when he observed Raven flying out of the tent with his Grandpa’s most important Wampum Bag with long tassels. Achak thought this might be some form of a sign and moved quietly up to the tent opening and peered inside.
There was his grandfather, Kotori, which means Screech Owl Spirit, taking his afternoon nap. Achak walked in noisily so as not to scare his grandfather.
Kotori opened his eyes and said...
"Oh what a blessed event to see my grandson and to be able to teach him more of the ways of the Shaman."
"Grandfather I always love and respect all that you are able to teach me but as I was making my way to your tent I observed Raven flying out with your treasured Wampum Bag with long tassels."
Grandfather did not even look about the tent.
"Achak thank you for bringing this to my attention and I will surely turn this over in my prayers to the Great One of Nature to see if I am meant to have my Wampum Bag returned to me, or if I am to start over making a new wampum bag. The Wampum Bag that Raven took has been passed down from grandfather to father to me. We were all Shamans of our tribe. As you know my Wampum Bag was filled with all sorts of remedies I had collected from the forest to help heal the members of our tribe. You should go away as well and pray to Our Great One of Nature and we will see what is meant to happen."
"Grandfather I accept your words of wisdom and own them now as my own."
Achak grabbed his knife, shoulder bag, and water bag and made his way to the Great Oak Tree in the middle of the meadow. He always felt closest to nature and God when he was leaning up against the grand trunk of the tree. It was here that he felt his prayer would be listened to.
He arrived at his sacred place. He sat down leaning against the massive tree trunk making constant contact with all of his back. He began to sing a prayer of hope that his grandfather's treasured Wampum Bag would soon be returned. He fell asleep right there and felt in his dreams the Great Oak Tree holding onto him, comforting him, during his solemn prayer request.
When Achak woke up it was night time and next to him on the ground was a pile of gleaming white pearls which shined with the specular highlights from the stars. There were ten pearls along with a stout piece of rawhide twine, about four arm lengths long.
Achak stared intently at the items and then as if a fog lifted, he knew what he was being called to do.
The next day he went up to Rock Mesa where there was a rock outcropping which gave the observer an unobstructed view of the surrounding area. Achak knew that Raven spent many hours right here spying upon the land to find where his special abilities would be best applied. Achak placed a pearl right there and waited in the cover of the brush.
Soon Raven landed right there and giving the surrounding area a complete scan, then looked at his feet and found the bright shiny pearl. He bent down, snatched the pearl in his beak, and flew off in a south-easterly direction.
From this high point, Achak could see that Raven flew right over Blue Glass Mountain where Raven suddenly veered to the south.
Achak made his way up Blue Glass Mountain and in the natural bowl of blue glass, placed his next pearl and once again hid in the brush waiting for Raven to fly over.
It wasn't long as Raven flew directly overhead and made a beeline for the pearl. With the pearl in his beak, Raven flew south this time over the Pongo Palms continuing from there in a southerly direction.
Achak made it to the Pongo Palms and climbed up the tallest one and in the middle of the nest made from the palm fronds, he placed his next pearl. He covered himself with palm fronds and waited.
Once again it wasn't long as Raven flew directly overhead and made a beeline for the pearl in the palm frond nest. With the pearl in his beak, Raven continued to fly south over to Monument Oasis.
Achak made it to Monument Oasis and scaled up the side of the rock spire and right at the top he placed a bright shiny pearl. He moved back down the spire and moved to the other side of the pool and waited.
Raven very soon flew directly overhead, circled back, and made a beeline for the pearl on the top of the Monument Spire. Once again with the pearl in his beak, Raven continued southerly and right to End of the Desert Mountain where he flew into a small cave half way up the side.
Achak made it over to the End of the Desert Mountain and climbed up the side being careful to stay out of sight of Raven as he flew in/out of his cave. Achak finally made it to a ledge right below the cave entrance and waited there in the shadows for the Raven to exit his cave and fly away. Then he moved quickly up onto the ledge and placed the remaining six pearls in a small mound right on the ledge but this time he took his rawhide twine and fashioned a bird trap loop, placing it to the right of the pearls. He expertly dusted the bird trap to make sure it was not visible. Then he repositioned himself under the ledge once again in the shadows holding on tightly to the rawhide twine.
When Raven returned he immediately saw the pile of pearls and landed to the left side and snatched a pearl and then flew into his cave where he placed it with all the rest of his loot. Raven continued to return to the pile landing to the left hand side of the pile and snatching one pearl and placing it in his pile of loot. This continued for pearl #3 and #4, and #5. But when he returned for the last pearl he took his time to look out over his dominion. Then he moved to the right hand side of the last pearl and just as he was snatching it up Achak jerked the loop catching Raven’s left leg. Raven immediately dropped the pearl and screamed loudly as he tried to fly away. Nothing he could do would result in freedom. Raven pecked at the strong rawhide twine to no avail as it held true. As Raven became completely drained of energy and just lay there on the ledge quite out of breath, Achak climbed up on the ledge and addressed Raven…
“Mighty Raven. You do not look so mighty right now. I have followed you for five days and have finally come upon your lair where you have stored all of the treasures of my tribe which you have stolen. You are now under my control and you must make amends for the hurts you have brought upon my people.”
“What… would you… have… me do?”
“To gain your freedom you must first return all of the property you have stolen from my tribe. Second you must come to our Tribal Council and tell all of them that you are sorry and you will never again steal from our tribe. Third you must show us the secret Raven dance which allows us to connect with you and know your wiles and plans. All of this must be accomplished before the next full moon. If you agree to all of this under the Our Great One of Nature and place your mark on this covenantal agreement between you and my tribe, then I will immediately set you free.”
Raven nodded his head and Achak pulled out the contract and a vial of ink and placed it in front of Raven. Achak poured out the ink into a slight depression on the ledge. Raven stepped his one free foot into the pool of ink and placed his mark onto the contract. Achak blew on the foot print to dry the ink and then rolled up the contract placing it in his shoulder bag.
“I am now setting you free but remember that this day you have sworn to accomplish all of these parts of the contract under Our Great One of Nature. I am sure that you as Trickster would really like to find a way to squirm out of this contract but you would be doing this as well under God and that would not go so well for you.”
Achak released Raven and in his weakened state flew a short distance just to try his wings. He said…
“I will accomplish all that you have requested in your contract.”
Achak then asked…
“Hey Raven how about a lift back to my village?”
“You got to be kidding. By the time you return to your village you will see that I will have returned all of the pilfered goods. I will await your presence in front of the Tribal Council to fulfill the rest of the contract particulars. Until we meet again.”
It took Achak three days to return to his tribe and in the middle of the village was a large pile of various items which Raven returned. These had been stolen from his tribe over generations. He walked up to the pile and there quite prominently displayed was his Grandfather’s Wampum Bag. It was open and as Achak was about to pull the draw strings to close the bag he found all ten pearls right there on top. He took the Wampum Bag to his grandfather who was standing in the entrance of his tent. As Achak offered the bag to his grandfather, the great Shaman said…
“Achak you have accomplished a most wonderful thing and you have earned the title of Tribal Shaman. The Wampum Bag which you hold is now yours as you can see by the fact that even the Raven has placed all of your pearls into the Wampum Bag. We will be having a full Tribal Council meeting this evening where you will be welcomed as the new Tribal Shaman.”
“Why thank you grandfather but I only did what you asked me to do and that was to go and pray about the disposition of the stolen Wampum Bag. I was directed by…”
“My son, I know the whole story because I was given all of the details in my own dream state after my prayer time. Now go and clean yourself up and return to the Council Sweat Lodge this evening at dusk.”
At dusk Achak made his way to the Council Sweat Lodge. This was his first time he was allowed to be in attendance. He was directed to the rear of the Tribal Council and immediately his Grandfather stood up and addressed the Council…
“I am pleased to present to you our new Tribal Shaman, Achak. He was responsible for the return of all of our stolen goods which Raven has taken over several generations. He also was responsible for making sure that Raven will never again steal any of our goods and has sealed this agreement in a most special way. I give you Raven.”
At that point Raven flew silently into the midst of the Council and addressed them…
“Members of the esteemed Council of Humans; I was recently bested by one of your own, young of years but full of the spirit of a great leader of your people. I have identified with his heart and know that he will make a great Shaman of your Tribe. I come here with a full degree of sorrow over the stealing of your personal goods and am truly remorseful over any hurt which their theft has caused. I have returned all of your goods and now I will satisfy all of conditions of this tribal covenantal agreement.”
Raven then showed all of the Tribal Dancers the secret Raven dance which would allow the tribe to connect with the dealings of Raven at any time. After the secret dance particulars were demonstrated and the dancers all successfully demonstrated mastery, the Chief called up Achak and placing his hand upon his shoulder shared the words which welcomed Achak into the tribe as Shaman and the entire Tribal Council approved of this and even Raven bowed.
21 December 2016